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Don’t Need a Bus? Tell Us.

Opt out of transportation if your child will be a car rider or student driver.

What does ‘opt out’ mean?

Many families who are eligible for school bus transportation choose to drop off and pick up their child from school, or make other transportation arrangements. Other students drive to school. If your family qualifies for a bus, but you do not need transportation for any reason, we are asking that you opt out of bus service for the 2024-25 school year. Instructions on how to opt out are forthcoming.

Who should opt out of school bus transportation?

Anyone who plans to drive their child to and from school or make other transportation arrangements and do not need a school bus assignment for the 2024-25 school year are asked to opt out.

Why am I being asked to opt out?

Simply put: it helps us plan better. PGCPS automatically assigns a school bus to all families who qualify and meet the criteria for bus transportation. If your child typically receives a bus assignment, but you do not plan for them to ride the bus, letting us know helps us streamline service and avoid unneeded trips. When we can account for families who do not plan to use their bus assignment, it helps us maximize routes and provide more efficient service to all.

What will happen if I do not opt out?

If you qualify and meet the criteria for bus transportation and do not opt out, PGCPS will automatically assign your student(s) a school bus.

How do I opt out?

Instructions on how to opt out are forthcoming.

Can I opt back in to receive transportation?

Instructions on how to opt back in are forthcoming.