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Monthly Principal Newsletter

Black Eyed Susan

April 1, 2024

Dear Parents/Guardians:

We would like to welcome everyone back! We hope you and your family had a very restful and relaxed spring break, with many opportunities to enjoy time with each other. The Lewisdale students are coming up on a hectic spring season with field trips, state and local testing, and other end-of-year activities. Please pay close attention to important dates, as the remainder of the school year will seem to fly by!

This week we celebrate Assistant Principal’s Week! Ms. Canty, thank you for all that you do to make Lewisdale Elementary School a great place to be!

April is also Math Month at Lewisdale Elementary School! As we all know, math is very important in our daily lives. Without it, so much of what we do would be impossible. From simple addition and subtraction to complex formulas, the excitement of math is something that we need to share with our students so that they can carry it into the future. Share with your child how math is important in the work that you do every day.  

Tuesday, April 2nd was World Autism Day. Every day, we celebrate the unique talents, perspectives, and contributions of individuals across the autism spectrum.  It is a day to embrace diversity, promote understanding, and foster acceptance in our communities. Together let’s spread kindness, compassion, and inclusion, not just today, but every day, as we strive for a more inclusive and accepting society.

Educationally yours,
Patricia Haith, Principal

Important Dates
4th PTO Meeting @6pm Lewisdale ES Cafeteria
12th PTO Fundraiser - 12 pm - 2 pm
18th Third Quarter Report Card Released Online
24th Third Quarter Report Card Released
26th Parent Literacy Workshop K-2 8:30 am - 9:30 am Lewisdale Cafeteria