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Concord Pre-K Program Evaluation

Dear Concord Families,

PGCPS has been using the Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS) as an observational instrument to assess classroom quality in our pre-kindergarten classrooms. Effective teacher-student interactions are a primary component of high-quality early educational experiences. Below you will find our fall evaluation “glows” and “grows.” We look forward to sharing our growth after our spring evaluation.



Positive Climate- Teachers and students demonstrated respect for one another. The teacher’s tone was warm and calm, and the teachers shared positive communication with the students.


Teacher Sensitivity- The students were comfortable in the classroom. They took risks, participated in activities, and sought out the teacher for support. The teacher regularly responded to students when they needed help or support.


Productivity- Teachers were prepared for lessons and activities. During center time, materials were accessible, and some were on the table for students to play with puzzles, blocks, and counting manipulatives. During snack time, the teacher quickly passed out students’ bags and additional school snacks for them to eat.




Concept Development- Teachers will continue to focus on encouraging analysis and reasoning to help the students connect concepts to the real world. Efforts will continue to be made to support students in developing the ability to answer how and why questions.

Quality Feedback- Teachers will continue to support different levels of learning by scaffolding (providing hints to students during lessons) to assist students in understanding concepts and skills. Teachers will focus on providing consistent encouragement and affirmation to encourage student participation.

Language Modeling- Teachers will continue to make efforts to improve language development skills by using self and parallel talk strategies (repeating the actions that are being taken by students and teachers when they are doing activities throughout the day).