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Course: Environmental Science

School Type:
High School
School Max Description:
Environmental Science
Content Area:
Career Academies and Programs of Study: Engineering and Science
This course is designed as a comprehensive, contemporary environmental science course with emphasis on fieldwork and data collection and analysis. Students will apply science and engineering practices and crosscutting concepts of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) to local and global to real-world environmental science issues. Students will also investigate the natural environment and the interrelationships among natural systems including biodiversity and population dynamics. This course will involve students developing solutions to authentic problem- based Environmental issues and investigations, while also exploring career opportunities in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM).
Course Code:
Biogeochemical Systems, Biology or Chemistry Honors
Earth and Space Science or Physical Science
Dual Enrollment Compatible Course:
No, Earning Credit for BIO 1110 at Prince George's Community college makes a student eligible for 491213 Environmental Science DE Credit. Earning credit for ENSP101 Introduction to Environmental Science at University of Maryland College Park makes a student eligible for 491213 Environmental Science DE credit.
NCAA Eligible:
Environmental Science: Your World Your Turn
Grading Factors:

 Learn more about our grading factors. (Administrative Procedure 5121)