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Administrative Procedure 5152 - System-Wide Student Dress Code

I. Purpose

To provide guidelines and procedures governing a student dress code in Prince George’s County Public Schools.

II. Policy

The Board of Education of Prince George’s County requires that students attending this school system dress appropriately and in a way that is consistent with learning being a priority. To that end, a student dress code shall set forth the particular standards that are to be maintained in an Administrative Procedure. This procedure is based on Board of Education Policy 5152, Student Dress Code.

III. Background

The Prince George’s County Board of Education, at its regularly scheduled meeting on July 2, 1996, adopted the report as well as approved the recommendations of the Dress Code Task Force. The following System-Wide Dress Code for Students was approved:

System-Wide Dress Code for Students

  • Headdresses can be worn indoors for religious or health reasons only.
  • Shirts and blouses should be continuous from neckline to waist. The entire mid-section should not show. No tank tops and muscle shirts.
  • No clothing with vulgar language, obscene pictures, weapons, drugs/alcohol or drug paraphernalia and tobacco products.
  • No identifiable gang/crew clothing or paraphernalia.
  • No see-through clothing.
  • Skirts, dresses, shorts, and spandex skirts should be approximately six (6) inches below the buttocks, or no shorter than fingertip level.
  • Pants should be secured at waist: no sagging below waist to expose undergarments.
  • Tights, stretch pants, leggings, and spandex body suits must be worn with clothing long enough to cover buttocks.

Shoes must be worn.


  1. This System-wide Student Dress Code requires certain standards from students regarding school attire. It is intended to be administrative in nature, and to provide broad guidelines for its implementation.

  2. The philosophy, procedures, and other elements of the Student Dress Code provide broad guidelines for schools. As such, there is a recognized distinction in application of the Dress Code as it applies to students of differing ages and maturity. Administrators are to give special attention to the age and maturity of the student in question. Reasonable and prudent judgment should guide administrators in how they implement and enforce the Student Dress Code. The following are to be used as guidelines only:

    1. Elementary – Grades K-6

      Sound, fair, and equitable judgment would suggest that administrators exercise flexibility in dealing with the Student Dress Code at elementary school level, taking into consideration the age and maturity level of the students.

    2. Secondary Grades 7-12

      As students progress through the middle and high school levels, it is reasonable to assume that their increasing maturity carries with it greater responsibility for their actions. Administrators should use reasonable and prudent judgment in enforcement of the Student Dress Code.

IV. Procedures

  1. As part of the orientation to the new school year for students, all principals and appropriate administrators should share the requirements of the Student Dress Code with all students and parents/guardians on an annual basis as school begins, and throughout the school year as needed. The System-wide Student Dress Code should be included in each school’s student handbook, and publicized annually in school and parent newsletters and other publications.

    If it is possible to inform parents and students of the Student Dress Code prior to the opening of school, such action is strongly encouraged.

  2. The intention of the Student Dress Code is to seek compliance from students, but implementation of the Code should avoid keeping students out of class. This may necessitate admitting students to school whose dress is not in compliance with the Student Dress Code, possibly retaining him/her in the office, and calling the parent/guardian to bring a change of clothing.

  3. Reasonable and prudent judgment should be utilized by school administrators in the enforcement of the System-wide Student Dress Code. Suspension is not expected to be used in the implementation and enforcement of the Student Dress Code, unless there are serious aggravating circumstances.

  4. Schools may choose to have over-sized T-shirts available to cover the student’s clothing, which is not in compliance with the Student Dress Code, when a parent/guardian cannot bring a change of clothing.

  5. The System-wide Student Dress Code should be shared with a school’s PTA/PTSA/PTO on an annual basis.

  6. A sample letter parents/guardians is included as Appendix A. Schools may use this letter or develop a similar one at the local school level.

V. Related Procedures

VI. Maintenance and Update of These Procedures

This Administrative Procedure originates with the Division of Student Services and will be updated as needed.

VII. Cancellations and Supersedures

This procedure cancels and supersedes the version dated June 1, 1997.

VIII. Effective Date

September 4, 2018

About This Procedure

Last Revised: September 4, 2018
