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Tuition Reimbursement

Pursuant to the Negotiated Agreements for PGCEA, ASASP, Local 2250 and Local 400, employees that have completed qualified course work are eligible to apply for tuition reimbursement. Applications and payments will be processed online in the order they are received until all funds for the bargaining unit are depleted.

Tuition Reimbursement

Pursuant to the Negotiated Agreements for PGCEA, ASASP, Local 2250, and Local 400, employees who have completed qualified coursework are eligible to apply for tuition reimbursement. Applications and payments will be processed online in the order they are received until all funds for the bargaining unit are depleted.

Eligible employees must submit a complete packet electronically. No walk-ins will be accepted. Documents may not be hand delivered, faxed, or emailed.

All supporting documents are required for each course requested and must meet specifications, or the request will be denied.

In preparation for electronic submission, Please review the Required Docementation and Specifications for Tuition Reimbursement Document

FY24 (SY23-24) Tuition Reimbursement logistics and submission dates


Unit members can be reimbursed up to $550 per credit for up to nine (9) credits per contract year. Unit members can reimburse up to thirty-nine (39) credits during their tenure with PGCPS.

First Submission for courses with an end date between July 1 - October 31, 2023

Opens on Monday, November 13, 2023, at 5:00 a.m.

Closes on Sunday, November 26, 2023, at 11:59 p.m.

Second Submission for courses with an end date between November 1, 2023, and February 28, 2024

Opens on Monday, March 11, 2024, 5:00 a.m.

Closes on Sunday, March 24, 2024, at 11:59 p.m.

Third Submission for courses with an end date between March 1 and June 30, 2024

Opens on Monday, July 29, 2024, at 5:00 a.m.

Closes on Sunday, August 11, 2024, at 11:59 p.m.


Up to $411 per eligible credit for up to six (6) credits of courses successfully completed in FY24, from July 1, 2023, through June 30, 2024, are eligible for reimbursement

Submission window July 15 - July 19, 2024

Local 2250

Up to $411 per eligible credit for up to six (6) credits of courses successfully completed in FY24, from July 1, 2023, through June 30, 2024, are eligible for reimbursement.

The cost of books, excluding taxes and shipping, is also reimbursable.

Submission window July 22 - July 26, 2024

Local 400

Up to $411 per eligible credit for up to six (6) credits of courses successfully completed in FY24, from July 1, 2023, through June 30, 2024, are eligible for reimbursement.

The cost of books, excluding taxes and shipping, is also reimbursable.

Submission window July 22 - July 26, 2024.


PGCEA Tuition Reimbursement FAQs

How do I know if I am eligible for tuition reimbursement?

  • Tuition reimbursement is available for the Prince George’s County Educators’ Association (PGCEA) members.
  • Pursuant to the negotiated agreements, all current employees who have completed qualified coursework while represented by the above union are eligible to apply.

How do I request tuition reimbursement?

  • By submitting your request on the Tuition Reimbursement webbased application located on the website, under staff portal > L through Z > “Tuition Reimbursement Requests.” Hand-delivered, faxed, or emailed documents will not be accepted.

What is the timeframe for submission of the Tuition Reimbursement webbased application?

  • Applications for submission will be accepted three times throughout the fiscal year.  Please refer to the main web page for submission dates.

First Submission:
For courses with an end date between July 1 - October 31.

Second Submission:
For courses that end between November 1 and February 28.

Third Submission:
For courses that end between March 1 and June 30.

What documentation is required? 

You must submit evidence of qualified coursework with the final grade(s), evidence of the date the course(s) was completed, and information showing your balance is paid. Your name must be on all documents and cannot be handwritten. The following documentation is required and must be uploaded in PDF form. 

  1. Copy of your transcript(s) that include course(s) for which you seek reimbursement. The course(s) must include the final grade(s) received.
  2. Proof of payment for each college credit/course indicating payment type.
  3. Proof of the exact date the course(s) ended



What type of documentation could I submit to show proof of the exact date the course(s) ended?

  • Proof of course end dates must be from the College/University (website, catalog, syllabus, letter on college/university letterhead) and include the following:
  • Name of College/University
  • Course name and number 
  • The exact date the course was completed.

Is there a required format for my documents?


  • Yes, all documents must be submitted in PDF format.  (Screenshots, camera pictures, and JPEGs are not acceptable)


What is acceptable for proof of payment?

  • Proof of payment must be in U.S. currency and in the form of an itemized receipt directly from the college/university that includes the following: 
  • Name of College/University
  • Student’s full name (the educator requesting reimbursement)
  • Course name and number 
  • Cost of tuition per course
  • Fees (extras charged by the college/university)
  • Payment credits on account (Grants, tuition reduction)
  • Source of personal payments (loans, credit card, cash, PayPal)


How many credit(s) am I eligible for reimbursement for each school year?

  • Unit members can be reimbursed up to $550 per credit for up to nine (9) credits per contract year. Unit members can reimburse up to thirty-nine (39) credits during their tenure with PGCPS.

What is considered an “eligible credit”?

  • Any course to maintain a valid teaching certificate. 
  • Any advanced degree or certification in the unit members’ field, current assignment, or future certification. 
  • An advanced degree in education. 
  • An area of special need to the school system. 
  • Any courses taken for professional growth and contribution to the school system.
  • Graduate, undergraduate, and professional courses may be eligible in accordance with the negotiated agreement. 
  • Courses in religion or religious education may not be considered eligible for reimbursement. 

What grades are acceptable for Tuition Reimbursement?

  • Eligible employees must receive at least a “C” in a graduate or undergraduate course to be eligible for reimbursement. Audited courses are not reimbursable. 
  • Courses taken on a Pass/Fail basis will be eligible for tuition reimbursement with a “Passing Grade” as long as the transcript key indicates that the Pass is at least equivalent to a “C” grade.

Can I be reimbursed for the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) Continuing Professional Development Credit(s) (CPDs) offered by the Office of Talent Development?

  • No, Continuing Professional Development (CPD) courses taken through PGCPS and/or MSDE are not eligible for reimbursement.

Do I have to submit my transcript several times if I took multiple courses at the same University or College?

  • No, you should submit the transcript listing all courses in which you are seeking reimbursement. Please refer to the Quick Guide: Scanning and Supporting Documents.

How do I know my submission is complete and has been received by certification?

  • You will receive an e-mail message confirming the submission. 

How will tuition reimbursement be processed?

  • Applications and payments will be processed online in order that they are submitted until funds are depleted.

Can I start a tuition reimbursement application and save it to come back later to complete?

  • Yes, you can start a tuition reimbursement application and save it to come back later to complete.
  • It is important to note that a “saved” application does not reserve your place in line. The tuition reimbursement queue starts upon “submitting” the application. Your application will be considered based on the time it was submitted.

When are funds typically depleted? 

  • Funds for tuition reimbursement are allocated in the order in which they are received. You are encouraged to have your documents ready in PDF form to submit during the tuition reimbursement submission window.

Can I withdraw my tuition reimbursement application?

  • Yes, you are able to withdraw your tuition reimbursement application. You will receive a confirmation e-mail that you have withdrawn and will not be eligible for reimbursement.

How long will it take to receive tuition reimbursement payments?

  • Upon electronic submission, please allow 12 weeks for review, approval, and disbursement. You will receive an email confirmation from the PGCPS Accounts Payable Office indicating approval and payment of your tuition reimbursement request.

How will I receive the tuition reimbursement payment?

  • Payment will be deposited into the financial institution in which you receive your biweekly paycheck.

Do I qualify for tuition reimbursement if I have changed Union representation?

  • Eligible employees will receive reimbursement for coursework based on their assigned bargaining unit at the time the course(s) was taken. The rate of reimbursement will be paid according to the bargaining unit negotiated pay rate of which the eligible employee was a member at the time the course(s) was completed.

Are tuition reimbursement monies taxed?

  • No, tuition reimbursement monies are not taxed.

Why haven’t my tuition reimbursement payments been processed if I submitted my grades and information showing my balance is paid?

  • If proper documentation is not submitted, the submission will be rejected.

Is the cost of books reimbursable?

    • No, per the Negotiated Agreement, the cost of registration, books, materials, and/or lab fees are not reimbursable.
  • Local 2250 and Local 400
    • Yes, per the Negotiated Agreement, the cost of books excluding taxes and shipping costs is reimbursable. However, per the Negotiated Agreement, the cost of registration, materials, and/or lab fees are not reimbursable.

Will I have the ability to review my documents prior to submitting them?

  • Yes, remember to open the documents to verify that you have acceptable copies of all of the required documentation prior to submitting. Refer to Quick Guide Tuition Reimbursement.

I have a question that is not addressed in the information provided for tuition reimbursement. Where can I send an email?

If you have a question that is not addressed in the Frequently Asked Questions, please address your question to the following email address:


ASASP Tuition Reimbursement FAQs

How do I know if I am eligible for tuition reimbursement?

  • Tuition reimbursement is available for members of the Association of Supervisory & Administrative School Personnel (ASASP II/III). Pursuant to the negotiated agreements, all current employees that have completed qualified course work while represented by the above union are eligible to apply. .

How do I request tuition reimbursement?

  • By submitting your request on the Tuition Reimbursement webbased application located on the website, under staff portal > L through Z > “Tuition Reimbursement Requests.” Hand-delivered, faxed, or emailed documents will not be accepted.

What is the timeframe for submission of the Tuition Reimbursement webbased application?

  • ASASP applications for submission will be accepted once for the current fiscal year.

What documentation is required? 

You must submit evidence of qualified coursework with the final grade(s), evidence of the date the course(s) was completed, and information showing your balance is paid. Your name must be on all documents and cannot be handwritten. The following documentation is required and must be uploaded in PDF form. 

  1. Copy of your transcript(s) that include course(s) for which you seek reimbursement. The course(s) must include the final grade(s) received.
  2. Proof of payment for each college credit/course indicating payment type.
  3. Proof of the exact date the course(s) ended



What type of documentation could I submit to show proof of the exact date the course(s) ended?

  • Proof of course end dates must be from the College/University (website, catalog, syllabus, letter on college/university letterhead) and include the following:
  • Name of College/University
  • Course name and number 
  • The exact date the course was completed.

Is there a required format for my documents?


  • Yes, all documents must be submitted in PDF format.  (Screenshots, camera pictures, and JPEGs are not acceptable)


What is acceptable for proof of payment?

  • Proof of payment must be in U.S. currency and in the form of an itemized receipt directly from the college/university that includes the following: 
  • Name of College/University
  • Student’s full name (the educator requesting reimbursement)
  • Course name and number 
  • Cost of tuition per course
  • Fees (extras charged by the college/university)
  • Payment credits on account (Grants, tuition reduction)
  • Source of personal payments (loans, credit card, cash, PayPal)


How many credit(s) am I eligible for reimbursement for each school year?

  • Unit members can be reimbursed up to $550 per credit for up to nine (9) credits per contract year. Unit members can reimburse up to thirty-nine (39) credits during their tenure with PGCPS.

What is considered an “eligible credit”?

  • Any course to maintain a valid teaching certificate. 
  • Any advanced degree or certification in the unit members’ field, current assignment, or future certification. 
  • An advanced degree in education. 
  • An area of special need to the school system. 
  • Any courses taken for professional growth and contribution to the school system.
  • Graduate, undergraduate, and professional courses may be eligible in accordance with the negotiated agreement. 
  • Courses in religion or religious education may not be considered eligible for reimbursement. 

What grades are acceptable for Tuition Reimbursement?

  • Eligible employees must receive at least a “C” in a graduate or undergraduate course to be eligible for reimbursement. Audited courses are not reimbursable. 
  • Courses taken on a Pass/Fail basis will be eligible for tuition reimbursement with a “Passing Grade” as long as the transcript key indicates that the Pass is at least equivalent to a “C” grade.

Can I be reimbursed for the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) Continuing Professional Development Credit(s) (CPDs) offered by the Office of Talent Development?

  • No, Continuing Professional Development (CPD) courses taken through PGCPS and/or MSDE are not eligible for reimbursement.

Do I have to submit my transcript several times if I took multiple courses at the same University or College?

  • No, you should submit the transcript listing all courses in which you are seeking reimbursement. Please refer to the Quick Guide: Scanning and Supporting Documents.

How do I know my submission is complete and has been received by certification?

  • You will receive an e-mail message confirming the submission. 

How will tuition reimbursement be processed?

  • Applications and payments will be processed online in order that they are submitted until funds are depleted.

Can I start a tuition reimbursement application and save it to come back later to complete?

  • Yes, you can start a tuition reimbursement application and save it to come back later to complete.
  • It is important to note that a “saved” application does not reserve your place in line. The tuition reimbursement queue starts upon “submitting” the application. Your application will be considered based on the time it was submitted.

When are funds typically depleted? 

  • Funds for tuition reimbursement are allocated in the order in which they are received. You are encouraged to have your documents ready in PDF form to submit during the tuition reimbursement submission window.

Can I withdraw my tuition reimbursement application?

  • Yes, you are able to withdraw your tuition reimbursement application. You will receive a confirmation e-mail that you have withdrawn and will not be eligible for reimbursement.

How long will it take to receive tuition reimbursement payments?

  • Upon electronic submission, please allow 12 weeks for review, approval, and disbursement. You will receive an email confirmation from the PGCPS Accounts Payable Office indicating approval and payment of your tuition reimbursement request.

How will I receive the tuition reimbursement payment?

  • Payment will be deposited into the financial institution in which you receive your biweekly paycheck.

Do I qualify for tuition reimbursement if I have changed Union representation?

  • Eligible employees will receive reimbursement for coursework based on their assigned bargaining unit at the time the course(s) was taken. The rate of reimbursement will be paid according to the bargaining unit negotiated pay rate of which the eligible employee was a member at the time the course(s) was completed.

Are tuition reimbursement monies taxed?

  • No, tuition reimbursement monies are not taxed.

Why haven’t my tuition reimbursement payments been processed if I submitted my grades and information showing my balance is paid?

  • If proper documentation is not submitted, the submission will be rejected.

Is the cost of books reimbursable?

    • No, per the Negotiated Agreement, the cost of registration, books, materials, and/or lab fees are not reimbursable.
  • Local 2250 and Local 400
    • Yes, per the Negotiated Agreement, the cost of books excluding taxes and shipping costs is reimbursable. However, per the Negotiated Agreement, the cost of registration, materials, and/or lab fees are not reimbursable.

Will I have the ability to review my documents prior to submitting them?

  • Yes, remember to open the documents to verify that you have acceptable copies of all of the required documentation prior to submitting. Refer to Quick Guide Tuition Reimbursement.

I have a question that is not addressed in the information provided for tuition reimbursement. Where can I send an email?

If you have a question that is not addressed in the Frequently Asked Questions, please address your question to the following email address:


Local 2250 Tuition Reimbursement FAQs

How do I know if I am eligible for tuition reimbursement?

  • Tuition reimbursement is available for members of ACE-AFSCME (Local 2250). Pursuant to the negotiated agreements, all current employees that have completed qualified course work while represented by the above union are eligible to apply. 

How do I request tuition reimbursement?

  • By submitting your request on the Tuition Reimbursement webbased application located on the website, under staff portal > L through Z > “Tuition Reimbursement Requests.” Hand-delivered, faxed, or emailed documents will not be accepted.

What is the timeframe for submission of the Tuition Reimbursement webbased application?

  • ACE-AFSCME (Local 2250) applications for submission will be accepted once for the current fiscal year.

What documentation is required? 

You must submit evidence of qualified coursework with the final grade(s), evidence of the date the course(s) was completed, and information showing your balance is paid. Your name must be on all documents and cannot be handwritten. The following documentation is required and must be uploaded in PDF form. 

  1. Copy of your transcript(s) that include course(s) for which you seek reimbursement. The course(s) must include the final grade(s) received.
  2. Proof of payment for each college credit/course indicating payment type.
  3. Proof of the exact date the course(s) ended



What type of documentation could I submit to show proof of the exact date the course(s) ended?

  • Proof of course end dates must be from the College/University (website, catalog, syllabus, letter on college/university letterhead) and include the following:
  • Name of College/University
  • Course name and number 
  • The exact date the course was completed.

Is there a required format for my documents?


  • Yes, all documents must be submitted in PDF format.  (Screenshots, camera pictures, and JPEGs are not acceptable)


What is acceptable for proof of payment?

  • Proof of payment must be in U.S. currency and in the form of an itemized receipt directly from the college/university that includes the following: 
  • Name of College/University
  • Student’s full name (the educator requesting reimbursement)
  • Course name and number 
  • Cost of tuition per course
  • Fees (extras charged by the college/university)
  • Payment credits on account (Grants, tuition reduction)
  • Source of personal payments (loans, credit card, cash, PayPal)


How many credit(s) am I eligible for reimbursement for each school year?

  • Unit members can be reimbursed up to $550 per credit for up to nine (9) credits per contract year. Unit members can reimburse up to thirty-nine (39) credits during their tenure with PGCPS.

What is considered an “eligible credit”?

  • Any course to maintain a valid teaching certificate. 
  • Any advanced degree or certification in the unit members’ field, current assignment, or future certification. 
  • An advanced degree in education. 
  • An area of special need to the school system. 
  • Any courses taken for professional growth and contribution to the school system.
  • Graduate, undergraduate, and professional courses may be eligible in accordance with the negotiated agreement. 
  • Courses in religion or religious education may not be considered eligible for reimbursement. 

What grades are acceptable for Tuition Reimbursement?

  • Eligible employees must receive at least a “C” in a graduate or undergraduate course to be eligible for reimbursement. Audited courses are not reimbursable. 
  • Courses taken on a Pass/Fail basis will be eligible for tuition reimbursement with a “Passing Grade” as long as the transcript key indicates that the Pass is at least equivalent to a “C” grade.

Can I be reimbursed for the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) Continuing Professional Development Credit(s) (CPDs) offered by the Office of Talent Development?

  • No, Continuing Professional Development (CPD) courses taken through PGCPS and/or MSDE are not eligible for reimbursement.

Do I have to submit my transcript several times if I took multiple courses at the same University or College?

  • No, you should submit the transcript listing all courses in which you are seeking reimbursement. Please refer to the Quick Guide: Scanning and Supporting Documents.

How do I know my submission is complete and has been received by certification?

  • You will receive an e-mail message confirming the submission. 

How will tuition reimbursement be processed?

  • Applications and payments will be processed online in order that they are submitted until funds are depleted.

Can I start a tuition reimbursement application and save it to come back later to complete?

  • Yes, you can start a tuition reimbursement application and save it to come back later to complete.
  • It is important to note that a “saved” application does not reserve your place in line. The tuition reimbursement queue starts upon “submitting” the application. Your application will be considered based on the time it was submitted.

When are funds typically depleted? 

  • Funds for tuition reimbursement are allocated in the order in which they are received. You are encouraged to have your documents ready in PDF form to submit during the tuition reimbursement submission window.

Can I withdraw my tuition reimbursement application?

  • Yes, you are able to withdraw your tuition reimbursement application. You will receive a confirmation e-mail that you have withdrawn and will not be eligible for reimbursement.

How long will it take to receive tuition reimbursement payments?

  • Upon electronic submission, please allow 12 weeks for review, approval, and disbursement. You will receive an email confirmation from the PGCPS Accounts Payable Office indicating approval and payment of your tuition reimbursement request.

How will I receive the tuition reimbursement payment?

  • Payment will be deposited into the financial institution in which you receive your biweekly paycheck.

Do I qualify for tuition reimbursement if I have changed Union representation?

  • Eligible employees will receive reimbursement for coursework based on their assigned bargaining unit at the time the course(s) was taken. The rate of reimbursement will be paid according to the bargaining unit negotiated pay rate of which the eligible employee was a member at the time the course(s) was completed.

Are tuition reimbursement monies taxed?

  • No, tuition reimbursement monies are not taxed.

Why haven’t my tuition reimbursement payments been processed if I submitted my grades and information showing my balance is paid?

  • If proper documentation is not submitted, the submission will be rejected.

Is the cost of books reimbursable?

    • No, per the Negotiated Agreement, the cost of registration, books, materials, and/or lab fees are not reimbursable.
  • Local 2250 and Local 400
    • Yes, per the Negotiated Agreement, the cost of books excluding taxes and shipping costs is reimbursable. However, per the Negotiated Agreement, the cost of registration, materials, and/or lab fees are not reimbursable.

Will I have the ability to review my documents prior to submitting them?

  • Yes, remember to open the documents to verify that you have acceptable copies of all of the required documentation prior to submitting. Refer to Quick Guide Tuition Reimbursement.

I have a question that is not addressed in the information provided for tuition reimbursement. Where can I send an email?

If you have a question that is not addressed in the Frequently Asked Questions, please address your question to the following email address:


Local 400 Tuition Reimbursement FAQs

How do I know if I am eligible for tuition reimbursement?

  • Tuition reimbursement is available for members of SEIU (Local 400). Pursuant to the negotiated agreements, all current employees that have completed qualified course work while represented by the above union are eligible to apply. . 

How do I request tuition reimbursement?

  • By submitting your request on the Tuition Reimbursement webbased application located on the website, under staff portal > L through Z > “Tuition Reimbursement Requests.” Hand-delivered, faxed, or emailed documents will not be accepted.

What is the timeframe for submission of the Tuition Reimbursement webbased application?

  • SEIU (Local 400) applications for submission will be accepted once for the current fiscal year.

What documentation is required? 

You must submit evidence of qualified coursework with the final grade(s), evidence of the date the course(s) was completed, and information showing your balance is paid. Your name must be on all documents and cannot be handwritten. The following documentation is required and must be uploaded in PDF form. 

  1. Copy of your transcript(s) that include course(s) for which you seek reimbursement. The course(s) must include the final grade(s) received.
  2. Proof of payment for each college credit/course indicating payment type.
  3. Proof of the exact date the course(s) ended



What type of documentation could I submit to show proof of the exact date the course(s) ended?

  • Proof of course end dates must be from the College/University (website, catalog, syllabus, letter on college/university letterhead) and include the following:
  • Name of College/University
  • Course name and number 
  • The exact date the course was completed.

Is there a required format for my documents?


  • Yes, all documents must be submitted in PDF format.  (Screenshots, camera pictures, and JPEGs are not acceptable)


What is acceptable for proof of payment?

  • Proof of payment must be in U.S. currency and in the form of an itemized receipt directly from the college/university that includes the following: 
  • Name of College/University
  • Student’s full name (the educator requesting reimbursement)
  • Course name and number 
  • Cost of tuition per course
  • Fees (extras charged by the college/university)
  • Payment credits on account (Grants, tuition reduction)
  • Source of personal payments (loans, credit card, cash, PayPal)


How many credit(s) am I eligible for reimbursement for each school year?

  • Unit members can be reimbursed up to $550 per credit for up to nine (9) credits per contract year. Unit members can reimburse up to thirty-nine (39) credits during their tenure with PGCPS.

What is considered an “eligible credit”?

  • Any course to maintain a valid teaching certificate. 
  • Any advanced degree or certification in the unit members’ field, current assignment, or future certification. 
  • An advanced degree in education. 
  • An area of special need to the school system. 
  • Any courses taken for professional growth and contribution to the school system.
  • Graduate, undergraduate, and professional courses may be eligible in accordance with the negotiated agreement. 
  • Courses in religion or religious education may not be considered eligible for reimbursement. 

What grades are acceptable for Tuition Reimbursement?

  • Eligible employees must receive at least a “C” in a graduate or undergraduate course to be eligible for reimbursement. Audited courses are not reimbursable. 
  • Courses taken on a Pass/Fail basis will be eligible for tuition reimbursement with a “Passing Grade” as long as the transcript key indicates that the Pass is at least equivalent to a “C” grade.

Can I be reimbursed for the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) Continuing Professional Development Credit(s) (CPDs) offered by the Office of Talent Development?

  • No, Continuing Professional Development (CPD) courses taken through PGCPS and/or MSDE are not eligible for reimbursement.

Do I have to submit my transcript several times if I took multiple courses at the same University or College?

  • No, you should submit the transcript listing all courses in which you are seeking reimbursement. Please refer to the Quick Guide: Scanning and Supporting Documents.

How do I know my submission is complete and has been received by certification?

  • You will receive an e-mail message confirming the submission. 

How will tuition reimbursement be processed?

  • Applications and payments will be processed online in order that they are submitted until funds are depleted.

Can I start a tuition reimbursement application and save it to come back later to complete?

  • Yes, you can start a tuition reimbursement application and save it to come back later to complete.
  • It is important to note that a “saved” application does not reserve your place in line. The tuition reimbursement queue starts upon “submitting” the application. Your application will be considered based on the time it was submitted.

When are funds typically depleted? 

  • Funds for tuition reimbursement are allocated in the order in which they are received. You are encouraged to have your documents ready in PDF form to submit during the tuition reimbursement submission window.

Can I withdraw my tuition reimbursement application?

  • Yes, you are able to withdraw your tuition reimbursement application. You will receive a confirmation e-mail that you have withdrawn and will not be eligible for reimbursement.

How long will it take to receive tuition reimbursement payments?

  • Upon electronic submission, please allow 12 weeks for review, approval, and disbursement. You will receive an email confirmation from the PGCPS Accounts Payable Office indicating approval and payment of your tuition reimbursement request.

How will I receive the tuition reimbursement payment?

  • Payment will be deposited into the financial institution in which you receive your biweekly paycheck.

Do I qualify for tuition reimbursement if I have changed Union representation?

  • Eligible employees will receive reimbursement for coursework based on their assigned bargaining unit at the time the course(s) was taken. The rate of reimbursement will be paid according to the bargaining unit negotiated pay rate of which the eligible employee was a member at the time the course(s) was completed.

Are tuition reimbursement monies taxed?

  • No, tuition reimbursement monies are not taxed.

Why haven’t my tuition reimbursement payments been processed if I submitted my grades and information showing my balance is paid?

  • If proper documentation is not submitted, the submission will be rejected.

Is the cost of books reimbursable?

    • No, per the Negotiated Agreement, the cost of registration, books, materials, and/or lab fees are not reimbursable.
  • Local 2250 and Local 400
    • Yes, per the Negotiated Agreement, the cost of books excluding taxes and shipping costs is reimbursable. However, per the Negotiated Agreement, the cost of registration, materials, and/or lab fees are not reimbursable.

Will I have the ability to review my documents prior to submitting them?

  • Yes, remember to open the documents to verify that you have acceptable copies of all of the required documentation prior to submitting. Refer to Quick Guide Tuition Reimbursement.

I have a question that is not addressed in the information provided for tuition reimbursement. Where can I send an email?

If you have a question that is not addressed in the Frequently Asked Questions, please address your question to the following email address:
