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Teacher Appreciation Week - May 6 to May 10, 2024

Teacher Appreciation Week

#ThankPGCPSTeachers: In·spire (verb): to fill someone with the urge or ability to do or feel something; to impart a truth or idea to someone.

Moments that teach, define and INSPIRE happen in our schools everyday.

PGCPS teachers INSPIRE confidence, character, compassion, creativity, understanding, big ideas, curiosity, inquiry, determination, self-discovery, growth… and futures!

Every day, in every classroom, teachers challenge students to reach higher, shine brighter and become the best version of themselves.

For Teacher Appreciation Week, it’s time to return the gift. Tell us about a time when a PGCPS teacher made a difference in your life or INSPIRED you — whether through encouragement, recognizing your gifts or helping you master a new skill.

It's easy to participate:

  1. Download a sign to share how a PGCPS teacher inspired you
  2. Snap a Photo
  3. Upload your photo and/or share on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter with #PGCPSTeachersInspire

Your words of thanks will mean the world to educators during Teacher Appreciation Week and beyond!

Create a virtual shout out to a PGCPS educator!

Download the Teacher Appreciation Thank You Sign

Share your shout out!

(Submissions may be shared for Teacher Appreciation Week in May).

Share Photos or Videos of How a PGCPS Teacher Inspired You

Nominate a Teacher to Win (Deadline May 4)

Winners will be announced the week of May 8
Thank You Sponsors Kaiser Permanente The Hotel Educational Systems American College Education.png