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Operations, Budget and Fiscal Affairs Committee

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Committee Charge

The Operations, Budget and Fiscal Affairs Committee is charged, on behalf of the Board, with reviewing issues involving school system operations, budget and fiscal affairs. The committee is also responsible for reviewing issues pertaining to the management and audit of functions in PGPCS, reviewing and providing recommendations regarding fiscal, capital, and human resources, including the Board’s operating budget, the Capital Improvement Program, staffing plans and allocations. The Board’s Director of Internal Audit shall attend the meetings of this standing committee. A member of this committee shall serve as the Board’s liaison to the Minority Based Enterprise (MBE)/County- Based Business (CBB) Advisory Council. 

Committee Membership

  • Shayla Adams-Stafford , Chair
  • Dr. Kenneth Harris, II, Vice Chair


Previous Meetings

Agendas and documents related to previous meetings can be found in the Board Docs portal.


Meeting Video Recordings

View all Board of Education Meetings