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Course: Earth and Space Systems Science

School Type:
High School
School Max Description:
Earth & Space Sci 12
Content Area:
This course is designed to allow students to explore the Earth and beyond while learning skills that will enable them to apply science and engineering practices and crosscutting concepts of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) to real world Earth and space science situations. Earth and Space Systems integrate key areas of science disciplinary core ideas including biology, chemistry, physics, geology and astronomy. This approach to learning affords students opportunities to distinguish among the four spheres that are essential to the study of the Earth (hydrosphere, geosphere, atmosphere, and biosphere), to recognize the delicate balance among these spheres, and to analyze the dramatic results when that balance is disrupted. This course will involve students developing solutions to authentic problem-based earth and space sciences’ issues and investigations, while also exploring career opportunities in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM).
Course Code:
Biogeochemical Systems, Biology or Chemistry Honors
Earth and Space Science
Dual Enrollment Compatible Course:
Yes, Earning credit for PHSC 101 Earth Science I at Bowie State University makes a student eligible for 493013 Earth Space Sci DE credit.
NCAA Eligible:
Earth and Space Science Techbook (Digital Only)
Grading Factors:

 Learn more about our grading factors. (Administrative Procedure 5121)