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Employee FAQs

Notifications and Credit Monitoring

What information was involved?

  • Through the investigation, the outside forensic specialist determined an unauthorized actor may have viewed or acquired individuals’ name, medical information, health insurance information, Social Security number, driver’s license number, financial account number, and passport number. 
  • The specific information varies per person and those details are shared in USPS mailings to the impacted individual.

Should all employees and former employees/retirees expect a letter?

  • Experian is a third-party vendor assisting PGCPS with the mailing of letters regarding this incident.
  • Experian is mailing letters to those identified in the investigation by the outside forensic specialist. Those would include individuals who an unauthorized actor may have viewed or acquired an individuals' personal information. 

What is included in the letters mailed home?

  • The letters include similar information to what is provided on the PGCPS website– description of the incident, steps PGCPS is taking, and PGCPS’ offer of free credit monitoring through Experian.
  • The letter includes the specific impact to the individual as the accessed information varies per person.
  • Additionally, the letter includes an individuals’ unique activation number 

Does everyone have the same information impacted? 

  • The outside forensics specialist determined the information present in the files that may have been viewed or acquired as a result of this incident varies per person.

What does it mean if I did not receive a letter?

  • It is possible, PGCPS did not have an accurate current mailing address for the individual. 
  • It is possible that the investigation did not conclude any specific personal information of an individual  was viewed or acquired as a result of this incident. 
  • To ensure your questions are answered in a timely manner, please call our dedicated assistance line at 833-918-1251, Monday through Friday from 9AM to 11PM ET, and Saturday and Sunday from 11AM to 8PM ET, excluding U.S. holidays. Please provide engagement number B116751

Who is Experian and why am I being directed to them?

  • Experian is a third-party vendor assisting PGCPS with the mailing of letters regarding this incident.
  • Experian is also providing a dedicated call center to answer questions from individuals regarding the incident.
  • You can reach Experian on the dedicated assistance line at 833-918-1251, Monday through Friday from 9AM to 11PM ET, and Saturday and Sunday from 11AM to 8PM ET, excluding U.S. holidays. Please provide engagement number B116751

How do I sign up for credit monitoring?

  • To help protect individual’s identity, PGCPS is offering complimentary access to Experian IdentityWorksSM.
  • Ensure that you enroll by May 31, 2024  
  • To start monitoring, visit the Experian IdentityWorks website to enroll:
  • Provide your activation code: ABCDEFGHI (found on pg.3 of the letter mailed via USPS) Provide your minor’s information when prompted
  • To ensure your questions are answered, call the dedicated assistance line at  833-918-1251
  • Be prepared to provide the engagement number B116751


How do I create a secure password?

  • A password helps you keep your information safe. It should be hard to guess and shouldn't contain personal information like your birth date or phone number. 
  • It should be a combination of letters (upper and lower case), numbers and special characters.  
  • Your password should be unique, and you should use a different password for each of your important accounts. This way if one password is compromised, the others will not be at risk.
  • Length beats complexity.  Longer passwords are more secure than complex ones.  
  • Make passwords that are hard to guess but easy to remember.

How do I keep my passwords secure?

  • DO NOT share your passwords.
  • DO NOT post them in public forums.
  • IF you must write it down (which is not recommended), DO NOT store it in an easily accessible location such as under your keyboard or in your desk at work.
  • DO NOT reuse previous passwords.

How do I change my PGCPS password?

Ensure you are registered for password self-service.  Log into  If it is your first time logging in, you will need to answer some security questions.  These questions will help verify your identity in the event that you forget your password. 

  • If you’ve already registered and wish to change your password, go to You can access this tool from any device with internet access. 

How do I keep my information protected?

  • DO NOT link your personal accounts to your PGCPS account.  For example: your home alarm, personal credit card, or dating profile.
  • DO NOT access your PGCPS account from a public wi-fi.
  • DO NOT use your PGCPS email address to register on sites that aren’t educational or PGCPS business services.  For example:,,
  • Be mindful when clicking on links or opening documents.  If you are unsure, contact the sender before opening, either by phone or in person.  If the link or document prompts you to enter your PGCPS username and password, be extra cautious.

What should I do if I suspect my password has been compromised?

  • Immediately log into from any browser and change your current password.
  • Contact our Employee IT Service Desk via to place a helpdesk ticket

What should I do if I used my PGCPS email as part of the contact information on a personal account/service/website?

  • This SHOULD NOT happen. This is a violation of the Acceptable Use Policy (Board Policy 0115).  You should change your information on any personal account/service or website to use your personal email address.  Google, Yahoo and AOL are among the most commonly used free Email providers.
  • Use your personal account to sign up for any future personal accounts or services.

Is it OK for me to access my personal accounts/services across the PGCPS network or from a PGCPS device?

  • The PGCPS network and all devices owned by PGCPS are to be used solely for the business and educational services of PGCPS.  They should not be used for any personal business or purpose.

Direct Deposit

When will direct deposit start?

  • The Direct Deposit Program is scheduled to begin as enrollment forms are received and the bank prenotification requirement is met. It will take between 14 to 24 working days from the receipt of the enrollment form to start your Direct Deposit. 
  • During this time, the system requires a process called "prenotification" to ensure that your financial institution's routing number and your account number are properly recognized.

How do I change my direct deposit?

  • Log onto the PGCPS Oracle Self-Service site. Click on the Direct Deposit link and add up to five additional bank accounts to your pay method record by clicking on the Add Direct Deposit button. (See User Guide) You may also complete a direct deposit form and submit it to Treasury Operations along with a picture identification.

When can I update my direct deposit information?

  • You can update your direct deposit at any time up to the Tuesday before a pay date. 
  • The deadline to submit your direct deposit information on a pay week is before Tuesday at 2 pm. 
  • You cannot enter your direct deposit information on the Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday of a pay week.

Who can I contact for additional direct deposit information?

More about Direct Deposit