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Attendance Matters

About Attendance in PGCPS

School attendance remains a priority for Prince George’s County Public Schools.

Our goal is for every student to attend instruction (virtual or in-person) every day and on time. Regular school attendance ensures your child’s access to a high-quality education and has a major impact on their success from kindergarten through high school.

We understand that some absences are unavoidable due to health problems or other circumstances.

However, when students miss too much school — for any reason— they fall behind academically and will be considered chronically absent.

Chronic absenteeism is defined as any absence that exceeds more than 10 percent of the 180-day school year.

To help your child achieve the most from their learning experience, make school attendance a priority!

Download Administrative Procedure 5113: Student Attendance, Absence and Truancy

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Our theme is:
It’s Not In To Be Out of School - #PGCPSAttendanceMatters.


Our goal is for every student to attend school every day, on time.