Garden Club
The goals of the club are for students to get hands-on experience with basic gardening tools and procedures. Students will learn about soil composition, seasonal plants, and watering schedules. Students will work in the garden outside after school from 2:15 pm -3:00 pm Monday and Wednesday from the months of February to May. Students from grades three to six are able to join after first getting approval from their Homeroom teacher. Students will be working with gardening tools thus requiring a higher age and level of maturity.
Student Government Association (SGA) is a group of students who plan school spirit events, activities, programs and initiatives around the school. Students are elected to the offices of President, VIce-President, Secretary and Treasure by their peers. Students in SGA develop positive attitudes and practice good citizenship. Students learn to promote harmonious relations throughout the entire school. To improve student/faculty relationships. To improve school morale and general welfare.
Green Team
The student green team is made up of at least two students from each homeroom, chosen by the teacher and classmates. We assist in maintaining our culture for recycling by monitoring our waste and being a positive advocate for our natural environment. We meet before school on Wednesday mornings from 7:20am to 7:50am. Recently, we designed a tshirt logo to wear on "waste free Wednesdays' ' to help build up our community awareness for recycling.
G.O.L.D. Team