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Risk Management Staff Directory at a Glance

We have a team of individuals who are dedicated to providing you with the level of customer service you deserve. Feel free to click on the link below for the staff chart to contact a specific individual.

Name Title      Email Address 
MAINLINE CALL (301) 952-6234  
Philip Hughes Risk Manager
Julie Golihew Program Coordinator
Regina Petite Risk Management Clerk
Susan Carey Workers' Compensation Assistant  (A-K)
Yvette Parker Workers' Compensation Assistant (L-Z)

Workers' Compensation Assistant

To be determined
Yvonne Miller Transition to Work (TTW) Program Coordinator
Vacant Workers' Compensation Safety Analyst To be determined



CURRENT CLAIMS:   For all questions relating to current claims, you may call Sedgwick’s Customer Service at 1-855-653-7470

TO FILE A NEW CLAIM AFTER OCTOBER 1, 2022: To file a Workers' Compensation Claim, you may contact the Injured Employee Hotline at 1-855-364-9861.  Call this number to report your workers' compensation claim prior to seeking medical attention for all work-related non-life-threatening injuries. 

For questions related to Workers' Compensation, you may send an email to  For all other questions, you may send an email to the Risk Management mailbox at