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Welcome to Arrowhead


Dear Arrowhead Elementary School Families

Welcome to Arrowhead Elementary School (AES)! I am thrilled to be welcoming you and your children to our school! The AES staff looks forward to seeing your child's smiling face each day. Our theme for this school year is "Onward and Upward". We are excited for a great year of learning and experiences!

Our team will continue to embed critical thinking and collaboration across all content areas. We will also continue working diligently to meet the diverse needs of our students through small group instruction across all grade levels, school-wide implementation of Thinking Maps, and emphasize meaningful, timely feedback to help students work towards academic mastery. 

As a school that incorporates Positive Behavior Intervention Support (PBIS), our deliberate work will continue to instill tools for self-regulation and emotional wellness and will carry on through lessons by our teachers, counselor and elementary learning staff. Practices such as naming emotions, communicating needs, self advocacy, and breathing exercises help our students have ownership over their responses to their emotions. We are the home of Lions and out students earn "paws" for demonstrating positive behaviors throughout the school.

Arrowhead ES will continue to provide tiered layers of academic and emotional support made available to students across all grade levels. We use a team approach to learning the personal narratives of each student in our care while working in partnership with their respective families to determine how best to meet the needs of our students.

One of the greatest characteristics of the AES learning community is the genuine care and compassion shared between staff, students, and parents. Arrowhead Elementary School is a place where staff and families come together to ensure that the children entrusted into our care grow to be productive, confident, compassionate, members of a global society. I look forward to an amazing year!

Best Regards,

Shannon Butler