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Schedule Change Requests

Request for course changes will only be granted if it meets the criteria listed below.  This form is due to your Professional School Counselor by Friday, September 9, 2023. Only Administrative changes will be made after this date.

Your request must meet at least one of the criteria below.

  1. I am a Senior and I need this specific course(s) to meet Maryland State Graduation Requirements.
  2. I am missing a core class in English, History, Math, Science or CTE Program sequence.
  3. I am enrolled in a course that I have already completed and have received credit.

I am participating in dual enrollment.

Note: The form must be completed in its entirety.  Requested changes are not guaranteed.  If approved, other classes may be impacted.

Be sure to provide all requested information or the processing of your request will be delayed.  Students who are MISSING required courses from their schedule will be processed FIRST! Once this form is completed, do not email your counselor regarding your requests.

*All students will receive emails to inform you of your schedule change decision.

Schedule Change Request Form