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* Not all absence notes are excused. See Administrative Procedure #5113 (Student Attendance, Absence, and Truancy) of what is accepted and unaccepted below.

Reporting Absences by Parent(s)/Guardian(s)

The following information must be on each note.

  • Student ID Number
  • Absent Dates
  • Reason for Absence
  • Parent Signature and telephone number
  1. Students have 3 (Three) school days, once they return, to submit a note explaining their absence.  

Students will bring their notes to the attendance office.  Ms. Scott or Mr. Gray will verify and issue a yellow slip to the student for excused absences. Once the note is verified the student should show it to their A-day, and/or B-day teachers to get make-up work then return the note to the attendance office.  


Absence from school, including absence for any portion of the day, shall be considered lawful only for the following reasons:

Death in the immediate family (i.e., parent, guardian, brother, sister, grandparent) or extended family and close non-relative.   Four school days shall be considered excused for the above-mentioned group

Illness of the student. The principal may require a physician’s certificate from the parent/guardian of a student reported absent for illness at least three school days. A physician’s certificate will be required if the absences reach six days. If needed, student medical care may be available at a Prince George’s County Public Schools Wellness Center.

Pregnancy and parenting-related conditions: absences due to labor, delivery, recovery, prenatal and postnatal medical appointment; absences due to an illness or medical appointment of the student’s child (after four days of such absences during a school year a physician’s note may be required); a parenting student is allowed a minimum of 10 days excused after the birth of a child; absences due to legal appointments related to family law.

Court summons

Hazardous weather conditions that would endanger the health or safety of the student.

Work approved or sponsored by the school, the local school system, or the State Department of Education, accepted by the  Superintendent, the school principal, or their designees, as a reason for excusing the student.

Observance of a religious holiday

State of emergency


Lack of authorized transportation (This shall not include students denied authorized transportation for disciplinary reasons.)

Health Exclusion, which includes immunizations and other health-related communicable or contagious diseases.

Absence due to Military Families. A lawful absence shall be granted to a student while visiting with a parent or legal guardian who is an active duty member of the uniformed services and has been called to duty for, is on leave from, or immediately returned from deployment to a combat zone. Military orders may be requested.

Mental Health Day – Students may receive as an excused absence one (1) day of absence in each semester of each school year for a student’s mental health needs. A note from a physician to excuse a student’s absence for mental health needs is not required.

Other emergency or set of circumstances approved by the Superintendent or his/her designee, including but not limited to civic engagement (limited to three days); college visits and interviews (limited to three days); and technical issues during approved online instruction only, such as broken equipment or internet outages (limited to five days). The technical issues must be immediately communicated to the student’s teacher and designated school staff.

                Please refer to Administrative Procedure No. 5113 (Student Attendance, Absences, and Truancy) For additional information.