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About Our School

Vision Statement

The Thomas G. Pullen K-8 Creative and Preforming Arts Academy strives to prepare our students for college and career readiness through a rigorous integrated arts and academic program.

Mission Statement

The mission of the K-8 Creative and Performing Arts at Pullen is to provide a climate that enables all students to reach their academic and artistic potential. Pullen will accomplish this mission by providing top quality instruction, a positive school atmosphere, and an orderly environment. We will maintain high expectations, and frequently monitor student progress. It is our firm belief that the integration of academic and artistic training will strengthen character, clarify judgment, and refine sensitivity. These personal developments are key to academic and career success.


Pamela Adams


Salim King

Assistant Principal

Marcia Hamilton

Assistant Principal

Dara Case

Arts Coordinator

Philosophy and Goals

The Creative and Performing Arts program is designed to develop the interests and talents of students in the arts and at the same time enhance the academic discipline, through an interdisciplinary approach stressing creativity, artistic expression, and culture experiences.  The training is designed to challenge and develop skills of all students as well as to provide exceptional opportunities for the artistically talented child.  The curriculum provides specialized instruction and in-depth experiences in each art discipline plus related arts experiences and an infusion of the arts in the overall curriculum. The arts become an integral part of the child’s education within the structure of a sound academic program. The ultimate goal is to have each student achieve his/her maximum potential both artistically and academically. The program will provide educational opportunities not otherwise available for students in Prince George's County Schools, or most other areas.

The K-8 Creative Arts program follows the general curriculum guidelines that are used for all Prince George’s County Public Elementary and Middle Schools. Instruction is provided in language arts, mathematics, science and social studies along with specialized instruction in the arts—visual art, drama, instrumental and vocal music, dance, media arts, creative writing, literary arts and related computer lab experiences

In addition, the school is intended to provide an environment for students to develop their intellectual insight, leadership, and sense of community responsibility. Underlying this goal is the belief that sound training and discipline in the arts builds character, judgment, sensitivity and insight important to good citizenship as well as academic and career success.

Fundamental to the philosophy of the K-8 Creative Arts School is the precept that children learn by doing and performing. It is the goal of the school to provide as many performance opportunities as possible with the highest level of quality. High quality performance must be preceded and accompanied by professional high quality instruction and training. Classes in the arts will be taught to students at all grade levels by qualified arts specialists.

K-8 Creative Arts School will provide each student with the opportunity to experience a broad spectrum of arts and to train and develop his/her talent in the arts of his/her choice. A partnership with the community is an integral facet in providing a broad spectrum of opportunities for intellectual, artistic, and cultural growth as well as exposure to careers in the arts.

Qualities valued by the school for the creative arts are dedication, integrity, a desire to learn, and the commitment for excellence.

Team A: The Primary Grades (K-2):

The primary grades are given a strong academic background. In addition, students are provided with 60 minutes of creative arts every day. The classroom and creative arts teachers work together to integrate the academic and arts curriculum.

Team B: The Intermediate Grades (3-5):

The intermediate grades concentrate on a strong academic program in a structured setting. Emphasis is placed on cooperative and group experiences with opportunities for individual expression. Students are provided with 85 minutes of creative arts every day. The classroom and creative arts teachers work together to integrate the academic and arts curriculum.

Team C: Middle School Grades (6-8):

The program includes arts integrated instruction in all basic subjects (language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies) as well as in-depth and specialized instruction in one art form (major) and abundant opportunities to perform and to explore other art forms.

Program Descriptions

  • Opportunities for specialization in the arts in middle school
  • Enrichment activities after school
  • Opportunities to showcase work created by students
  • Performance opportunities at all levels
  • Visiting artists and guest speakers
  • Field trip opportunities
  • Computer lab for related arts and academic instruction
  • Suzuki violin or cello lessons available for grades 1, and 2
  • Piano lab
  • Music, dance, visual arts, drama and media production

The Arts

Visual Art

Through a varied exposure to art forms such as drawing, printmaking, collage, ceramics and sculpture, students in grades kindergarten through five will develop skills and techniques that will enhance the more intense concentration available to the art majors in grades six through eight. In the middle school grades (6-8) emphasis is on critical thinking and responding with consideration given to all of the issues involved in artistic creativity—intellectual, historical, cultural, sociological and aesthetic.


The Drama department offers students a wide variety of performance opportunities and skills development. Critical thinking and creative problem solving are stressed within the curriculum. Incorporation of the academics and other arts is a primary goal. Students also explore alternate forms of self-expression. The primary grades (K-2) focus on developing performance skills in pantomime, improvisation, story enactment, and memorization of plays, poetry and prose. Intermediate grade students (3-5) continue to hone their skills with the focus on developing scripts for performance from a variety of sources. In addition, acting, character analysis and development are included. In the middle school (6-8) students have the opportunity to study history of theater and film. They also explore set design and set construction. Original monologues and published plays are encouraged. They are many performance opportunities outside the school including the fall drama production.


The dance program offer training in Modern Dance and creative techniques. Appreciation of Dance as an art form is approached through studies in technique, dance history and in-school and outside performance opportunities including the spring dance concert for middle school dance majors. Dance as an integral part of the school curriculum fosters students’ self-confidence and develops a better understanding of team effort.


There are opportunities for vocal, instrumental and rhythmic expression in all grades. In kindergarten through third grade this occurs through both general music and the Suzuki class method string instruction. Fourth and fifth graders continue with general music where basic music skills and concepts are explored and students may elect to take additional string, band or choral class instruction. Students majoring in band, chorus, orchestra and keyboard in the middle school level receive an intense leveled program including small and large ensembles, solo playing and participation in music festivals and concert performances.

Media Production

The program emphasizes hands-on experience in all aspects of the Media Arts including television and print media. Students learn to operate studio equipment and gain knowledge, experience and skills in producing, directing, technical directing, script writing, editing and acting for the camera. Projects are shared with the school community through closed circuit television.

Computer Arts

The computer arts program provides opportunities to use software that emphasizes math skills, logic, reasoning and problem-solving and exposes middle school students to a wide variety of computer experiences including touch-typing, computer-aided instruction, and productivity software training.

Eligibility and Admission Procedures

The K-8 Creative and Performing Arts Program is open to students with talent and interest in the arts. In grades K through 5, admission to the Program is through the lottery, after an application has been filed. In grades 6 through 8, after the application has been filed, admission is granted through an audition process including assessment of artistic as well as writing skills. Placement in all grade levels is based on space availability.

PGCPS Creative/Visual and Performing Arts Application Site

Creative and Performing Arts Student Performance Standards

All students at Thomas G. Pullen are expected to successfully complete all courses and put forth their best effort at all times. They are expected to make a contribution to the arts and academic programs participating in the various performances and by doing the following:

  • Participate in the various performances throughout the year.
  • Earn at least a C average in all classes.
  • Complete all projects and assignments on time.
  • Comply with all rules and regulations of the program(s) and the school.

All students are expected to adhere to the rigor of the program. In order to remain in the arts program at Thomas Pullen, middle school students (grades 6-8) must maintain a 2.0 grade point average.