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Arrival and Dismissal



No student should report to school prior to 7:30 a.m. as there is no supervision for his or her safety until after that time.  Students/parents in Grades Pre-K through 3 should line up in front of the school at the main entrance doors.  Students in Grades 4-6 should line up on the black top near the basketball court. Students may enter the building at 7:40 a.m.  It is very important for all students to come to school on time every day.  Students should be in their seats and ready to learn before or at 8:00 a.m.   Parents are encouraged to let children enter the school building independently. 

A crossing guard is stationed at Underwood Street and Queens Chapel Rd daily from 7:20 am - 8:00 am.

Please be aware that the University Park Police Department assists with arrival and dismissal procedures.

Instructions for Car Rider Drop Off

Parents should not drop off students before 7:30 a.m.  There is no supervision before 7:30 a.m.  Parents are not allowed to park in the bus circle. 

Parents should follow the following procedures when dropping off child(ren)

  • Student Drop Off Zone on Underwood Street near the entrance of the bus lane (AM Duty 7:30-7:50)
  • Student Drop Off Zone on Queens Chapel Rd-  AM Duty (AM Duty 7:30-7:50)
  • Students and parents are to walk on the sidewalk and avoid walking in the staff parking lot. 
  • Students should not exit the vehicle on the street side.  All students are asked to exit the vehicle on the school side.
  • Parents should follow the direction of the staff members in pulling up to the drop off area. 
  • There will be no idling and/or parking in the drop off area.  If you need to enter the school with your child(ren), please park on Queens Chapel Rd.

Please DO NOT: block resident driveways, park in the FIRE LANE and park in the staff parking lot.


The bus circle is a fire lane, no parking is allowed.

Afternoon announcements begin at 1:50 p.m., when dismissal begins.

Bus Riders

  1. Patrols are dismissed to their posts at 1:50 by the Announcement MC and afternoon announcements begin.
  2. Buses currently in the bus circle are called for Pre-K and K.
  3. Bus riders for Pre-K and K are walked to their buses by Patrols (Patrols are 5th and 6th grade students)
  4. Students in grades 1-6 are called for buses after pre-K and K are loaded on the bus.
  5. Buses leave at 1:55 or later after an all clear has been given by the Announcement MC.
  6. Auxiliary buses are called as they arrive (YMCA, Joe's, Karate, Impulse City, Diamond (which is handicap bus, bus for homeless students), etc.
  7. Transportation coordinators will inform the office staff of a bus no show. The office staff will contact the bus lot.
  8. Students remain in their classrooms for late buses until all other buses have gone. Bus riders still awaiting their bus are then called to the front hallway and line up there while they wait for their bus to arrive. A staff member supervises them and walks them out to the bus.

*Transportation coordinators/Administrators/ Office Staff will contact the bus lot. A robo-call and phone calls will be made to parents should buses be more than 20 minutes late picking up students. 

Walkers and Car Riders

Walkers and car riders are dismissed at 1:55 (depending on buses and the amount of space in the hallway.)

Car Riders/Walkers (Students who walk home or are picked up by car)

  1. Pre-K - dismissed at the rear hallway door of the Pre-K wing under supervision of their teacher or Paraprofessional.
  2. Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grades dismissal area -  kindergarteners are walked to the back door near the computer lab by a patrol. Two staff members are present to help with transition from school custody to parent custody. Grades 1,2,3 walk themselves to this door for dismissal.
  3. Grades 4 - 6 - dismissed through the back doors near the gym and blacktop.
  4. After Care students (Students are dismissed to the cafeteria) Kindergarten B&A are walked to the cafeteria by a patrol.
  5. After School Activities and Classes are dismissed to the library. Kindergarten students are walked to the library by a patrol.

Students may not return to class for items or materials after dismissal.

Late pick-ups will be supervised in the main office.  The teacher/secretary will contact the parent to inform them that their child is waiting in the main office and must come into the building to sign them out once they arrive.

Ms. Martinez (DA) and Transportation Coordinators will assist students in wheelchairs on and off the bus.

Any other student requiring extra support for arrival and dismissal will be assigned a staff member to assist them by the administrators.

If a child is being picked up by an adult outside the family, that person must be designated on the child’s Family Emergency Card, and have a valid government issued ID.

No child may be picked up by Uber, Lyft, or Taxi.  

Written Notice

If a child is to be dismissed to a different location, parents must send a note indicating the date and the change to take place. A child may not visit another child’s home after school or be transported by a person not in your family without prior written parent approval. This rule is for all children’s safety. If a student does not bring a note to school, we will insist that he/she follow the normal dismissal routine.  Verbal permission will not be accepted.  Once a student has boarded the bus, the student will not be removed from the bus. If you do not wish for your child to ride the bus on a particular day, a note must be received by 1:00 p.m.  

Reminders to students for dismissal:

  • Remember the items and materials which must be taken home, and have them ready. You may not return to the room after dismissal. 
  • Walk quietly in the hallway during dismissal.  Do not run, yell, or cause a disruption as you proceed to your dismissal area (bus rider, after care, walker).
  • Go directly home—You may not remain on school property unless you are involved in a supervised activity. 

Early Dismissal 

Occasionally, you may have to check your child out of school for an appointment.  If you must do this, the child must be signed out of the Main Office before 1:30 p.m.  There are no early departures between 1:30 p.m. and 1:45 p.m.  This is one of the most important times of the day, and classes cannot be interrupted.   Parents are not to enter classrooms at this time. 


Parents are asked to send a note to the child’s teacher.  The note will be given to the school office for verification.  No verbal authorization to remove a child from the premises will be accepted. Parents must update their emergency contact list annually, or as needed to include all authorized adults who may remove the child from the premises. 

When arriving to pick up children for early dismissal, parents must report to the main office.  Every adult that wishes to pick up a child from school must show a valid, government issued picture ID.  There will be no exceptions.  

For early dismissal, students will be signed out using our Raptor System. Parents will provide the relationship to the student and reason for early dismissal.  The adult picking up the student must present a valid, government issued picture ID. This precaution is in the interest of maintaining your child’s safety.  

Unless the office has been notified in writing, no changes will be made to a student’s regular dismissal routine.  When possible, if you alter your child’s dismissal routine, please discuss the changes with your child in advance.