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Grading, Reporting and Parent Conferences

The reporting system of the Prince George’s County Public Schools offers both a report card and a parent-teacher conference.  Report cards are issued four times during the year for Kindergarten through fifth grade and twice a year for Pre-Kindergarten.  The final report card is issued at the close of the school year.  A parent-teacher conference is scheduled at the convenience of the parent and the teacher during at least one of the reporting periods.  The parent or teacher may request additional conferences.  If a parent is unable to attend a scheduled reporting conference, this will result in the loss of an especially valuable contact between home and school.  

The report card represents an evaluation of the student’s progress in subject areas, work habits, and behavior.  The symbols used by the teacher are determined by the grading policy for that grade level, as measured by the student’s ability.  Progress in music and physical education are evaluated by the teachers of these subjects.  Grading policy and procedures for our school will come home at the beginning of each school year.  

Parents can also check their child’s progress by utilizing the Family Portal on SchoolMAX (by computer or cellphone) at any time during the school year.  The Family Portal provides information on attendance, behavior, discipline and grades for your child/children.  Should you require assistance getting into the Family Portal, please contact the Main Office at 301-817-0484.