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Family Support Services

Meet our Family Support Services Staff

Brenda Pichet

Communications Liaison
Parent Outreach Coordinator

Brenda Pichet
Parent Outreach Coordinator
Asistente de las Familias

Hello IHSLA family! My name is Brenda Pichet, Family Outreach Caseworker. I am bilingual in English and Spanish. 

As the Family Outreach Caseworker, I...

  • help all students and their families to have a successful and positive experience in High School
  • Serve as liaison for families; fostering and supporting open communication and collaboration between parents and staff
  • Advocate for and empower parents to self-advocate in school meeting
  • Provide referrals to community-based services for all families
  • Help students and families navigate the educational school system

Applications are now open until March 1st, 2024

IHS Application Shortcut URL:

Lynn Bustamante, LMSW

Community School Coordinator

Lynn Bustamante, LMSW
Community School Coordinator
Coordinadora de Escuela Comunitaria

Greetings students, staff, families, and IHSLA community! I am your Community School Coordinator. I am bilingual in English and Spanish. As your Community School Coordinator, I will be collaborating with our principal and our steering committee to assess the needs of our community and create programs and services based on the needs you report. I will also seek collaboration from community partners to support us in providing our rising leaders with new opportunities for learning and community involvement. I look forward to coordinating the community school efforts of IHSLA and working with each and every one of you!

Live Help for Families on Zoom

(Ayuda Virtual para familias de IHSLA!)

Mondays and Wednesdays
3pm - 4pm on Zoom!

Live Help on Zoom

Volunteering at IHS@Largo



Padres que quieren ser voluntarios y ayudarnos con eventos, asambleas, actividades, y viajes de estudios, por favor revisen la presentación abajo para ser informado de los pasos para ser voluntario.

Información para Padres Voluntarios

Primero, les queremos dar la gracias! Tener padres involucrados es MUY importante para nuestra escuela.


  • Panel de Padres
  • Sabores de IHSLA (programa de cocina)
  • Despensa de Alimentos (primer sábado de cada mes)
  • Jardín Comunitario (viene pronto)
  • Comité Liderazgo de Padres, Estudiantes, y Maestros, PTSO (con padres como líderes)
  • Asambleas (Noche Internacional, Mes de la herencia hispana, y mas) 

Requisitos del Condado

  • Paso 1: Aplicación en línea
  • Paso 2: Verificación de Antecedentes (Maltrato de niños)
  • Paso 3: Talleres de Voluntarios [Online Volunteer Trainings]
    • Procedimiento para reportar maltrato de niños
    • Reglas para interacción con estudiantes
    • U otras políticas del condado

Sus contactos en la escuela

Si necesita ayuda con el procedimiento…

Asiste a nuestras horas de oficina 
Lunes y Miercoles de 3:00p-4:00pm en Zoom


Pide una cita para recibir ayuda con mandarle un correo a Ms. Pichet, o Ms. Bustamante,


We need Parent Volunteers!

Parents that would like to help with events, assemblies, activities, field trips, etc., please review the presentation below for the steps to becoming a parent volunteer.

Information for Parent Volunteers

First we would like to thank you! Having parent volunteers is VERY important for our school.


  • Parent Panel
  • Flavors of IHSLA
  • Food Pantry/Distributions
  • Community Garden
  • Parent Leadership Committee/PTSO
  • International Night, Hispanic Heritage Month, and more

County Requirements

  • Online Applications
  • Fingerprinting and Background Check
    • CPS Background Clearance Form
    • Free for Free and Reduced Meals (FARMS) eligible families
    • must bring FARMS eligibility letter
  • Online Volunteer Trainings

Contacts at School

Parent Outreach Caseworker

Need help with the process?

Attend our office hours on Zoom on Mondays and Wednesdays from 3:00p-4:00p


Request an appointment to receive help by emailing Ms. Pichet at or Ms. Bustamante at