The Maryland Green Schools Program provides an effective, student-centric means of incorporating environmental literacy into our schools, beginning at the elementary level and continuing through high school.
To achieve Green School status, a school must demonstrate that the following occurred:
Additionally, Green Schools promote student achievement. Schools that incorporate environmental education through authentic, project-based learning, like the Green Schools program requires, consistently score higher on standardized tests than schools that do not include such lessons.
Important links:
The William S. Schmidt Center is a Maryland Green Schools Program Green Center, responsible for helping Prince George’s County Schools achieve Green School certification. We provide support to aspiring and existing Green Schools every step of the way. We are available to do schoolyard walk-throughs to help identify possible project ideas, help you categorize existing or planned activities into Green School categories, provide assistance with projects, review draft applications, provide professional development to your staff about the Green School process, help you get a Green Team started, or provide you any other support necessary in your Green School efforts.
For further information on Green Schools or to schedule an appointment for assistance with any aspect of the Green Schools process, please contact Donald Belle at the Schmidt Center ( or 301-888-1185).